Edit Issue


Provide the summary for the issue.


Optionally provide the description for the new issue. Every separate lines with a blank line to separate lines into paragraphs.

Advanced Fields

Advanced Fields is available under Advanced Options and allows you to change issue field values even if the field is not supported by this app.

Using the feature requires that you specify the field operations using the JSON format specified by the Jira REST API which contains two attributes namely fields and update.

  "fields": {
    "summary": "Build [[build.displayName]] was not successful"
  "update": {
    "components": [{
      "add": [{ "id": "10000" }]

fields vs. update

fields is a shortcut for the update set operation. Take the following JSON snippet.

  "fields": {
    "summary": "Build [[build.displayName]] was not successful"

The summary can also be set using the update operation below.

  "update": {
    "summary": [{
      "set": "Build [[build.displayName]] was not successful"

update can be useful when you want to add or remove a value from the field, or when you want to combine operations.

For example, lets say you want to update the field components by removing one component and adding two others, take the following snippet:

  "update": {
    "components": [
        "remove": [{ "id": "10100" }]
      }, {
        "add": [{ "id": "10101" }, { "name": "Backend" }]

On line 5 we remove the component with the id 10100 and on line 7 we add two components, one via its id namely 10101, and one via its name namely Backend.

Editable Issue Fields

Only fields that are on the appropriate action screen, like create, edit, transition, can be edited through a Jenkins Integration for Jira rule. If you specify a field that is not on the appropriate screen related to the action you are trying to execute, then the rule execution will fail with the reason for this will be shown in the rule log.

A good visual way to check if a rule can update a field is by opening the action yourself in Jira, e.g. to check if field ABC can be set when creating a bug in project XYZ, simply open the create issue screen in Jira for project XYZ and set the issue type to bug. Then if the field ABC is selectable on the screen then you can also set this via a rule.

An alternative method to check if the field in on the screen is to validate this through interpreting the JSON response from one of the following REST API’s:

  • For creating an issue: http(s)://[YOUR.INSTANCE.ROOT]/rest/api/3/issue/createmeta?expand=projects.issuetypes.fields, use the URL parameters projectKeys and issuetypeNames to limit the scope of the response and only return the fields for the specific issue type of the specific project you are interested in.
  • For editing an issue: http(s)://[YOUR_INSTANCE_ROOT]/rest/api/3/issue/[ISSUE_KEY]/editmeta
  • For transitioning an issue: http(s)://[YOUR_INSTANCE_ROOT]/rest/api/3/issue/[ISSUE_KEY]/transitions?expands=transitions.fields, you will need to lookup the transition you want to inspect, if you know the transition id, then you can use this with the URL parameter transitionId.

Next: Getting Started
Jenkins Integration for Jira

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